Care & Burning Instructions

Figure Candles

Care & Burning Instructions

  • If you wish to burn your figure candle  you must remove any loose decoration including rope/cord, 3D jewels etc.
  • You must place it on a non-flammable, cleanable surface. It is not contained in a vessel and therefore the candle will melt rapidly and unevenly. The hot wax will spread. 
  • The wick should be upright and trimmed to 1cm before you light it.
  • Please make sure your room/area is free from drafts & that the figure candle is placed away from any walls, curtains etc before lighting.
  • If your candle goes out, please wait for all the wax to cool & solidify before returning to it. If the wick remains, you may stand it upright again, trim to 1cm and re light. 
  • In most cases, due to the irregular shape of the figure candles, they can not be relit and once the wick has gone out, the candle has burned down as much as it can. Please note that it does not always burn to the very bottom of the figure.
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended.
  • Keep out of reach of children,

Scented Candles

Care & Burning Instructions

  • To burn your wooden wick candle please trim the wick to 1cm.
  • Please make sure your room/area is free from drafts & that the figure candle is placed away from any walls, curtains etc before lighting.
  • If your candle goes out, please wait for all wax to cool down & solidify before returning to it.
  • Break off any remaining ‘burned wood’ from the top of the candle & relight.
  • We recommend burning your candle for at least 2 hours on the very first burn. This will ensure you create an even melt pool of wax and this will stop any tunnelling from occurring (where the wick burns down the centre & leaves a thick wall of wax around the edge of the vessel).
  • We recommend that you do not burn your candle for more than 4 hours at a time.
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended.
  • Keep out of reach of children.

Wax Melts

Care & Burning Instructions

Simply take your wax melt (or melts) & place them in the dish of your warmer. Place a tealight in the compartment underneath & light it. We recommend that you don’t leave your wax melts unattended & do not melt them for more than 4 hours at a time.

When you have finished, simply remove or blow out the tealight. The wax will gradually solidify.

You will get many uses from your wax melts before the scent starts to evaporate & you need to replace them.